Tuned In

Listen. Create. Connect!

 Your Internet Radio Community Starts Here. 

Start Listening Today!
Start Broadcasting Today!
Build Your Community

Tuned In is not just a listening party, it is a full community of radio show creators and listeners. It’s a directory of shows organized and searchable by genre and categories. Find your people! Share your passion for music!

 What’s Up? What’s New? 

You’ve Got the Chance to Try Out the Platform

The platform is still in development. In the Feature Comparison Chart below, you can see the features we are including in the Beta test version and in the two main releases. Read on to see what’s up!

For Creators

Want to create a show? Sign up as a listener (free). Only a handful of people have been offered ‘creator’ status while we do testing and debugging. But you are welcome to listen in to others’ shows and let us know how it went!

For Listeners

Want to listen to a show? Sign up as a listener (free) and find a creator that is producing a show at that moment.

Help Us Improve the Platform!

Help us out at Tuned In by finding bugs and sharing your ideas for new features!

 See What’s Here and What’s Next 

Platform Feature Comparison

If you are familiar with Amp or Stationhead, you'll see clearly that TunedIn has — or will have — many of the best features from both of those platforms.

= Beta  •  1 = Release 1  •  2 = Release 2
Feature Amp S'head TunedIn
Listen to Shows
Create Shows
Require Music Subscription
Use with Apple Music Account  
Use with Spotify Account   2
Creator: Add Multiple Shows 1
Creator: Categorize Shows by Genre 1

 Everything You Need Is Here 

In Just Minutes You Can Be a Live Internet Radio DJ!

TunedIn makes it easy to create a live show with music, written chat, and voice!

We are working hard to make your experience as close to professional radio as possible. You curate the music, and bring your personality and charm to the mic. You engage your audience in the written chat.

We have a lot of cool feature that are coming up in our major releases!

Get Noticed Right Away

Every show you create must have a title, description and tags. This will help listeners find your shows, by words or tags. You can get found right away!


Add Multiple Upcoming Shows

Add plenty of upcoming shows at once. Let listeners know what you have lined up. We’ll soon have a way to indicate repeating shows!